Sunday, January 22, 2012

Peaky Peak

Okay, not many of you are going to be able to attend my very first showing in a official art show in Seattle. But if you do, sorry you are getting a peak of 2 of the 7 paintings I will be showing. I just LOVE these two paintings. Sweet satisfaction. It's been so fun painting these days. I get to go to LA this upcoming week! EEeeek! I can't wait! Then off to Seattle!! I also haven't mentioned that I am auctioning 3 large paintings for a Gala. The theme of the paintings is A Midsummer's Night Dream. So the Reps asked me to capture my own version of the classic story. I will be posting those soon. Sadly, the gala was the day right after my own showing in Seattle. I am sad I wont be able to attend that. But check out the flyer for the art venue in Seattle, I'm featured on it! Seattle RAW: Natural Born Artists

1 comment:

  1. Love these Dallas! I'll miss you and good luck in Seattle!!
    love you!
