Monday, February 22, 2010

Arcimboldo, Picasso, and Kandinsky

I feel like showing some of my all time favorite Artists and Paintings for a while.
So here are just a couple of my favorites. Picasso, Arcimboldo and Wassily Kandinsky. These are artists who literally inspire my style, and where I hope to go with my painting skills in the future, uhhhh good luck Dallas.

The first three are Picasso. Some of his earliest work is my favorite.

The following two are paintings from Arcimboldo. What a mind he has to create such faces out of literally any object.

And then these last ones are Wassily Kandinsky.
I love anything with bold lines and bright colors, symbolism too!
Kandinsky uses a lot of symbolism in his work.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Dallas! You have such amazing taste in art, no wonder why you are so talented. I seriously love your blog... by far the most interesting and inspiring!

    love ya,
